Name of CIL: South Sacramento Christian Center Valley Hi
Partner Agencies: Sacramento Children’s Home, Voice of the Youth, Precious Ones, Studio T Urban Dance Academy, Focus on Family, Black Mothers United
Address: 7710 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95823
Phone Number: 916-681-6791 (T-F 9am-3pm)
Email: info@simmonscenter.org
Social Media Channels: Facebook: @simmonscommunitycenter, Twitter: @sscc7710
Hours of Operation: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Services Offered: Youth Mentorship, Free Hip Hop Classes, Food Distribution Center, Clothes Closet, Crisis Intervention (gang violence prevention and intervention), Basketball Mentorship Camp (youth ages 13-17), Unite Sacramento Community Forums (healing spaces), Simmons Community Center (youth recreational center)