Name of CIL: Roberts Family Development Center
Partner Agencies: Mutual Assistance, The Greater Sacramento Urban League, North Sacramento Family Resource Center, Earth Mama Healing Inc., Allen Chapel AME Church, Mothers of 95838, Self-Awareness and Recovery, Vance Guy Certified Alcohol and other Drug Counselor (CAODC)
Address: 3725 Marysville Blvd., Room 203, Sacramento, CA 95838
Phone Number: RFDC Main Site (916) 646-6631 Extension 103 or The Greater Sacramento Urban League (916) 286-8687
Email: BCLC@robertsfdc.org
Website: http://www.robertsfdc.com/
Social Media Channels: Facebook: @RFDCsac, Twitter:@_rfdc
Hours of Operation: 9 a.m.- 12 p.m., 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Services Offered: Women’s Health, Family Support, Men’s Support, Empowered Leadership for Women, Youth & Teen Programs, A Chance for Change with Self Awareness and Recovery, Changing the Whole Person with Vance Guy, and Connecting and Supporting Mothers.