Name of CIL: Liberty Towers / Impact Sac
Partner Agencies: Architects of Hope, G.O.A.L.S. for Women, Callender Insurance Services, Antelope Upperroom Ministries, McDonalds, American River Home Inspections, Child Abuse Prevention Center, FIVE, The Way, Grace House, HELP
Address: 5132 Elkhorn Blvd., Sacramento CA 95842
Phone/Text: (916) 900-6708
E-mail: bclc@libertytowers.org
Website: www.impactsac.org, www.libertytowers.org, Help Form
Social Media Channels: Facebook: Impactsac
Hours of Operation: Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Services Offered: Cribs for Kids, Life Coaching, Suicide Prevention, Gang Intervention and Prevention, College Preparedness, Reading Intervention, Professional Skills Development, Health Coverage Support, Resources, Referrals, Grief Support, Clothing and Career Closet, Food Closet, Cooking Classes.